An appraiser's primary responsibility is to their client. Appraisers may also have fiduciary obligations to third parties, such as homeowners, both buyers and sellers. Those third parties normally are spelled out in the appraisal assignment itself. An appraiser's fiduciary duty is limited to those third parties who the appraiser knows, based on the scope of work or other written parameters of the assignment. We perform to the highest ethical standards. We don't take assignments on contingency fees. That is, we don't agree to do an appraisal report and get paid only if the loan closes. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice also defines as unethical the acceptance of an assignment that is contingent on "the reporting of a pre-determined result (e.g., opinion of value)." An appraiser is bound by USPAP to remain objective and unbiased when developing an opinion of market value. This means that with Moore Appraisals, you can be assured we are working to objectively determine the property value. We take great pride in providing USPAP compliant and detailed property appraisals with sound value reporting. Honesty is integrity in our book!
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